Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Left Brain vs. The Right Brain

Ok now, let's play a little game in this posting. There are two charts above as you see. You can play it in English or in Bahasa Indonesia. The upper chart is for you who want to play in English, while the lower chart above is for the ones who play in Bahasa Indonesia. The rules of the game are very simple. Here they are:
Try to SAY the chart aloud and as fast as you can! Remember you have to SAY the COLOUR of each word and DON'T SAY THE WORD of each word!
That's it! The rules above are very simple. I hope you understand what I have written above. Let's see how well you can do it! As you try to play the game, you will find out that it is not as easy as you thought, is it? Why is it not that easy? The game above is a classic example of the conflict between our left brain and our right brain. As our right brain tries to say the colour, the other half of our brain is trying to outwit our right brain by telling us that we should say the word! That explains why this game is not so easy to do!
You can play with both charts interchangeably! I mean, you can play the game in Bahasa Indonesia with the English chart or vice versa. If you understand both languages well, you will find the same difficulty in playing the game. Now let us substitute the charts with the one which alphabet you are not familiar with like the ones written in Arabic, Chinese or hangul (Korean) alphabet (Too bad I don't have the charts with those alphabets). If you have any of them, you can try it by saying the colour from the chart, in a language that you understand, you will find out that it will be a lot easier to do! Why? That's because our left brain cannot read the word thus it cannot outwit our right brain. The case is also true if you are illiterate (you can't read)! Try to find an illiterate person to play this game, he/she will easily do the game!
Ok. That's all for now.
(Written by: Yari NK)

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